Sustainable Development Examples Implemented Around The World

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By Sydney Cohen – The term “sustainable development” is a broad and complex topic. There are many definitions of what sustainable development means, but the most commonly accepted ones state that it is the ability to provide for future generations without compromising our planet’s natural resources or quality of life.

However, this can be a difficult task in today’s world where population growth and resource depletion are going hand-in-hand.

In this post, we will discuss some examples of sustainable development with an emphasis on how they have been implemented throughout different regions around the world.

What is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is a sustainable process of economic and social change that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development can be achieved through sustainable practices in four domains: economic, social, environmental, and governance.

Sustainable Development Practices

These sustainable practices must work together to create sustainable solutions for global challenges such as poverty alleviation, access to energy and water resources, climate protection, etc.

The official definition of sustainable development is “the economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources.” As the human population continues to grow, it is important that we prioritize saving our natural resources that we have only a limited supply of, protecting the environment and stopping the detrimental wildlife and human health effects of climate change, all without compromising potential economic growth in our world.

How We Can Retain the Ability of Future Generations to Meet Economic Growth Goals, Without Sacrificing the Environment?

Sustainable development is a sustainable approach to economic growth and social progress. It can be achieved by balancing the need for sustainable environmental, social, and economic policies with public participation in decision-making.

The Importance of Economic Growth and Sustainable Development

The United Nations defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Sustainable Development Is NOT Just For The Young or Wealthy

So frequently, the pressure is put on younger generations to save our planet from the drastic effects of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere that have caused climate change.

However, it is important that we make a global effort to work, no matter our generation, to include sustainable development practices in our daily lives in order to protect the environment, human health, our air, water, and soil, and continue to research the ways we can preserve our natural resources that are vital to the quality of human life.

Examples of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development examples are important to us all. The examples of sustainable development show that we can work together and care for our environment while still living life in a way that is comfortable.

Sustainable development examples are a good way to show how sustainable development can be achieved in the world. There are examples of sustainable development everywhere, so it might be hard to pick out examples that will make sense for your needs.

However, it is important for people who want their business to be successful in the future and know that they will still be in business 10 years from now, to think about sustainability. It’s not just an environmental issue anymore – it has become a matter of economic necessity as well.

Sustainable Development in Practice

The examples of sustainable development are all around us. We can look at examples in our own lives, as well as examples from other people and communities that we know or have heard about. There is a lot to learn from these examples, so let’s take a closer look.

3D Printed Schools As An Example of Sustainable Development

One of many examples of sustainable development includes 3D printed schools in Madagascar. 3D printed schools are an example of sustainable construction, that follows sustainable development processes, as it creates less waste than traditional construction processes. The process builds solids objects layer by layer, preventing building waste, which has severe environmental consequences.

This process uses technology developed by the Finnish company known as Hyperion Robotics, and the project will be built using local resources and locally sourced materials to further minimize the import of materials that so frequently causes additional air pollution and greenhouse gas production in the transportation process. Additionally, “the 3D cement mixture also emits less carbon dioxide compared to traditional concrete.”

Many countries suffer from having accessible education, and building more schools will alleviate this struggle, as well as following one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in providing equal education opportunities to all, especially in developing countries.

Crop Rotation As An Example of Sustainable Development

Another example of sustainable development planning is crop rotation. Crop rotation is an agriculture practice that involves the planting of different crops on the same plot of land in order to improve soil fertility and health. It allows for optimal soil nutrients and works to prevent polluted runoff from pesticides. Crop rotation can involve just a few different crops, or even up to dozens.

This chemical-free practice allows the different crops to protect each other from various pests, minimizing and even eliminating the need for pesticides, which have drastic consequences on the environment and world health as a result of the pollution they cause. This practice also improves ecosystem health, as it promotes biodiversity. Crop rotation is an example of sustainable development that does wonders to improve the health of our environment.

Sustainable Energy As An Example of Sustainable Development

A further example of sustainable development is the inclusion of wind energy, renewable energy, and solar energy in industrial development. Wind turbines generate power and wind energy through efficient methods of harnessing the wind.

As Matthew Mausner states, “wind energy is a relatively straightforward type of renewable energy because once it’s set up, it doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, and doesn’t pollute the air or water.” The efficiency of wind energy makes it a viable example of sustainable development.

Green Power and Green Buildings As Examples of Sustainable Development

Green power and green regulations on a construction project are strong examples of the changes we can make in urban planning to make our cities more sustainable.

San Francisco, for example, has a set of green building regulations that must be followed in any construction planning in order to decrease the long-term effects of climate change. Not only do green buildings decrease air pollution, but even the process of green construction in a construction project uses practices that reduce the harmful environmental effects caused by large construction projects.

Green buildings are made with sustainable materials, and often include renewable energy sources that allow for more efficient energy consumption and improve air quality. Furthermore, efficient technology is more cost-beneficial in the long term, as there is less electrical and power waste.

The sustainability and efficiency of a green construction project are something that many urban spaces should prioritize.

Increasing and Protecting Our Green Spaces

Another example of sustainable development is the creation of green spaces in urban areas. Urban ecoloogy is the important study of the coexistence between humans and ecological processes in a human-dominated space, such as a city. One way to improve biodiversity, environmental and global health is to increase green spaces in urban areas. There are a number of related processes pertaining to this, but an example is to create efficient urban planning to allow for green spaces.

Having soil and water in these spaces is vital to creating healthy ecosystems, and humans reap many benefits from green spaces as well. For one, air quality is improved in places with trees, and often cities have high levels of air pollution.

Furthermore, “research has shown that the quality of life in humans is significantly higher when they have access to nature in their everyday life.” Green spaces provide a way for humans in cities to connect to the outdoors and value what nature does to improve our quality of life.

Sustainable Development Examples From The Bible

In the Bible, we read about how the Levites should be given cities with “pasture land around their towns” (Numbers 35:2), that is today known as a “greenbelt“.

In the forthcoming Eco Bible Volume 2, we read the following commentary on this verse: “Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch makes clear that for a city to be truly livable, it must be surrounded by green space. A society that lacks green spaces can become stifling, oppressive, disconnected, and unnatural. Green space enables people to walk and sit in nature, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Trees generate oxygen and help filter the air. The greenbelt ensures that nature stays close to the people, enabling the people to remain connected to nature. The greenbelt promotes balance in an urban society as well as balance between humans and nature, and dovecotes.”

As Rabba Sara Hurwitz wrote, “I imagine people, taking a break from a long hard day’s work in the city, going out to the “migrash”, to the field, to commune with Nature, where they can engage in an activity that is relaxing and enjoyable, rejuvenating the spirit.”

There are many more examples of sustainable development throughout religious texts and religious communities. Religions aren’t “the opiate of the masses,” they’re the blueprints for a healthier, more sustainable planet.

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