Thought Leadership

ICSD provides global thought leadership in accessing religious values to inspire ecological action. ICSD has the leading channel on YouTube on religion and ecology. In the past ten years, ICSD has created and posted over 270 religion and ecology videos on YouTube, which have received over 150,000 views.

On Facebook, these videos have received over 400,000 views as well as thousands of shares, likes, and comments. ICSD has also written tens of blog posts on its blog, as well as those of HuffPost and Times of Israel. These blog posts have been read by thousands of people, and received thousands of shares.

The videos and blog posts highlight issues that ICSD engages on, and also report on significant events, like when ICSD director Rabbi Neril met Pope Francis. We have filmed videos in the Vatican’s Synod Hall, at peat bogs of Wisconsin, outside oil refineries in California, near nuclear reactors in New Jersey, and in the forests beyond Jerusalem.

We are encouraged by our strong online viewership and engagement. ICSD’s Facebook and Twitter accounts have thousands of likes. With people devoting more time than ever to screens and social media, these short videos provide an effective vehicle for delivering our unique faith-based ecological perspective. Many of the videos end with suggestions to inspire practical action. The videos are posted on Facebook, ICSD’s website, and YouTube.

What Does God Have To Do With Disposables?
Coronavirus vs. Humans: Is Nature Out of Balance?