Are Sea Jellies Taking Over The Animal Kingdom?
Harry Cooper – Climate change and other human activities have had numerous impacts on the natural ecosystems of our world. While many species have struggled to adapt to these rapidly changing environments, others have taken advantage of the new conditions.
Unique Desert Ecosystems Are Teeming With Life
Alana House – There is a common misconception that deserts are simply unbearably hot regions that due to very little rainfall, do not have the capacity to sustain life. The word desert itself comes from the Latin term “desertus”, which translates to abandoned or lying in waste.
Interconnected But Different Types of Ecosystems
Rachel Cohen – An ecosystem is a combination of all living things (biotic) and nonliving things (abiotic) in a confined area. Across the world, there are three major different types of ecosystems, freshwater, ocean or aquatic ecosystems, and terrestrial ecosystems.