Today’s Rapid Expansion In Sustainability Jobs

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By Alana House – In the current economic reality of the world, materialism and the dream of wealth influences what jobs are readily available.

What Is A Career In Environmental Sustainability?

Jobs in sustainability focus on avoiding the depletion of the world’s natural resources, in order to maintain an ecological balance. Even with a common goal, sustainability jobs can take on many forms from non-profit to corporate, hands-on to virtual.

The Future of Jobs

As the world population grows, the strain on the Earth’s resources becomes ever more present. Fossil fuels are a limited commodity but they still supply 84% of the world’s energy supply, according to BP’s energy review. In response to this imminent issue, the field of technology has turned its focus to energy sustainability.

Sustainability in the Technology Field

Job opportunities for engineers, scientists, and technology specialists have exploded as people begin to look to the natural elements as sources of power. The 5 major renewable energy sources are recognized as biomass from plant waste, hydropower, solar, geothermal, and wind energy. For each of these new sectors there are job opportunities such as laborers, engineers, architects, landscapers and ecologists.

A Blossoming Opportunity For Entrepreneurs

The concept of reducing, reusing and recycling in combination with economic mindsets has encouraged many individuals to generate profit from waste. Upcycling is expanding. Creating compost/biogas from waste are huge developing sectors. In fact, the largest number of start ups are now in environmental technology.

Politics or People

As an authority that cares for the needs of its people, governments are one of the most important organizations in the advocacy of sustainability. In the United states, the government department designated to this topic is the EPA (environmental protection agency) and in Israel it is the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Around the world, governments have designated branches focused on sustainability and environmental longevity.

Jobs In Government

Every department that endeavors to protect environmental sustainability offers jobs that address every aspect of the challenge. This includes scientists of every specialty, financial experts, communication and information consultants, and even law enforcement.

Jobs in Non-profit

Rather than focusing on how to achieve financial superiority, non-profit organizations look to achieve certain goals or objectives that help to improve society. One of the best ways to ensure a better future for society as a whole, is through sustainability. Thus, many non-profits are created for the exact purpose of fighting climate change and environmental degradation.

Usually, each non-profit handles a certain niche for sustainability, whether that be conservation, wildlife protection or environmental justice. There are numerous opportunities available to find employment in a non-profit company or even a chance to create your own company!

Sustainability Project manager

Both government and non-profit organizations require employees in the position of sustainability project managers, individuals who ensure that the goals of the association come to fruition. There are several career resources that can be use as a guide to find jobs as a sustainability manager. Most sources agree that for this job, even entry level positions require someone with an ambitious personality and an ability to create a sustainability strategy.

Environmental Education

As sustainability jobs develop and expand, it is crucial that society continues to build on its research of environmental science. Lessons on the environment are integral in all levels of education, from primary schools to college or universities. Environmental education is the greatest tool in inspiring social responsibility in regards to protecting the health of the planet.

Environmental education touches upon many topics of sustainability science, including clean energy, climate tech, waste and solutions to environmental degradation. Courses in sustainability also encourage volunteer opportunities that tend to support community development as well as leadership skills.

The Reality of Jobs in Sustainability

As in all choices in life there are pros and cons to choosing to work in sustainability. Always know them before choosing!


The reasons to join the the sustainability field are plentiful. Jobs in the industry of manufacturing will begin to wither when the world begins to run out of its natural resources. Sustainable projects and solutions will continue to require employment from those committed to contribute to the health and safety of the planet.


The economic inflation of society has made an individual’s job search increasingly stressful. When it comes down to it, green jobs may not the correct business for those set on excessive economic wealth. Essential job functions of sustainability careers may also demand more intellectual ability or higher levels of college education.

Sustainability Jobs And Religion

GreenBiz discusses how sustainability in the workplace can take the place that religion once held:

[Sustainability] upholds basic tenets of every religion, like responsibility for other humans, protecting the environment, and improving the world however we can. It also goes hand in hand with helping employees find fulfillment and balancing their work and life.

Even though we don’t all agree on the best way to create sustainability, we can all agree that it is our goal. Sustainability is a powerful movement because it puts everyone on the same page and helps people unite over shared values.

Rev. David M. Schilling, Director of Human Rights at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, also sees the value that sustainability can add to workplace culture: “Sustainability, especially if we emphasize its social dimension, can provide the fabric of a good corporate culture grounded in a vision for the future that can inspire and unite.”

Sustainability isn’t just good for the planet, it’s good for our relationships with each other and the workplace. Working together to build a more sustainable world— that can truly unite us all.

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