On Wednesday, November 4th, 2015, Religious Education in the Era of Climate Change: A Summit of Conscience took place in Jerusalem.
This one-day event was aimed at promoting ideas and action plans for faith-based environmental education in seminaries and theological schools in the Holy Land. This included discussions of the regional impact of climate change and subsequent urgency of this work; best practices from field experts; and a forum of creative dialogue among participants. The event was co-organized by the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
This event was aimed at promoting ideas and action plans for faith-based environmental education in seminaries and theological schools in the Holy Land. This included discussions of the regional impact of climate change and subsequent urgency of this work; best practices from field experts; and a forum of creative dialogue among participants. Over twenty people participated in a workshop to improve faith and ecology education at seminaries and religious institutions. The event was co-organized by the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and was held on November 4th, 2015 at the KAS office in Jerusalem.
To read a summary of the event, click here.
8:45 – Arrival
9:00am – 9:15am – Greetings
- Rabbi Yonatan Neril (The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development)
- Michael Borchard (Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
- Rabbi Tamir Nir (Jerusalem Municipality and Schechter School)

9:15am – 9:45am – Climate Change Globally and in the Holy Land, Dr. Pinhas Alpert (Tel Aviv University)
9:45am – 10:00am Break (with refreshments)
10:00am – 10:30am – Successes in Faith and Ecology Advocacy
- Mary Evelyn Tucker (Yale University via video presentation)
- Call-in by Father Joshtrom Kureethadam (Salesians of Don Bosco in Rome via call-in)
- Rabbi Yonatan Neril
10:30 – 10:45am – Break (with refreshments)
10:45am – 11:45am Road Mapping and Round Table Discussion
11:45am – 12:15pm Closing Remarks
- Videos
- Next steps
- Acknowledgements
* Photos by Gundula Tegtmeyer