News Coverage
Jerusalem’s on fire, but these “enemies” put faith in ecology
Jerusalem’s been boiling over with violent and deadly conflicts over the last half a year. But faith leaders intent on ecological ideals as a peace bridge have met again at...
Read MoreHoly Land: Christian, Jewish, Muslim clergy join forces to protect the planet
Christian, Jewish, and Muslim clergy and seminary students will convene around a shared vision of environmental stewardship at the Faith and Ecology Conference in Jerusalem this Wednesday, 22 October.
Read MoreGrüne Rabbis im Kampf für die Umwelt
Schöpfung, Glaube, Umweltschutz: Immer mehr Israelis verzichten religiös begründet auf Fleisch. Und immer häufiger treten auch Rabbiner für Umweltschutzprojekte ein. Zwei von ihnen in Jerusalem nennen sich selbst "grüne Rabbis"....
Read MoreJewish Food Justice Fellows visit from California
‘There are a lot of startup programs that are helping cultures within Israel, such as amazing community garden projects used as tools for economic empowerment.’
Read More‘Crossing the Jordan’ links faith, ecology
An interfaith outing to the Jordan River stresses the need to advocate for the rehabilitation of the historic waterway among faith communities.
Read MoreFaith and science leaders unite to save our planet – on Indiegogo!
We report on news, and on the ground organizations like the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, based in Jerusalem, physically unites people of faith to spark change in local communities.
Read MoreEco-tripping in Israel
Guided tours let visitors from many countries discover Israel’s techniques for natural farming, water conservation and sustainable energy.
Read MoreSeeking The Ecological Market At Machane Yehuda in Jerusalem
Miriam sees Israel’s most famous open-air market through new eyes. When I lived in Jerusalem, the Machane Yehuda shuk (market) was my grocery store. Vegetables, grains, fruit, chicken for Shabbat,...
Read MoreOne Home: Protecting the Earth Through Interfaith Education and Activism
The Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison tells the following story: A young girl with a bird in her hands went to a wise person. The child asked the wise person, “Is...
Read MoreHoly Land Leaders: Muslims, Jews, Christians Link to Save the Planet
Can mobilizing the world’s faithful save the planet where activists without faith have failed? Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders will be speaking out on climate change next week, while conveying...
Read MoreTorah, Trees and Caring for the Earth
The Torah is called a “tree of life,”1 showing how trees connect to the highest Jewish values. Trees also symbolize a healthy and sustainable environment.
Read MoreFaith leaders call for urgent action on climate change
As world governments grind their way through the latest round of UN climate talks in Durban, faith leaders are urging them to put humanity first. Government representatives have been meeting...
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