News Coverage
Climate change: It’s not just for liberals anymore
On a viciously hot day in Jerusalem this brutally hot summer, three prominent religious figures - a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew - gathered at the Jerusalem Press Club...
Read More‘Rabbis Should Grow a Spine’: Why Politics Trumps Religion When It Comes to Climate Change
Orthodox Jewish leaders in Israel call for a Jewish response to climate change, but others in America say it's 'delusional' to think rabbis can influence the government on such a...
Read MoreAll faiths must unite to fight climate change, clergy urge
Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders meet at the Jerusalem Press Club during a hot summer to encourage awareness and action.
Read MoreIn Jerusalem, an interfaith effort at addressing climate change
A rabbi, a priest and a kadi came together on Wednesday to discuss an issue equally affecting us all: climate change.
Read MoreA priest, a rabbi and a sharia judge walk into a climate change conference
Just a few minutes walk away from the Old City of Jerusalem on Wednesday, where Jews and Muslims are at violent loggerheads over conditions of access to a site holy...
Read MoreGrapevine: Welcome Home
The return of the embassy personnel was made possible due to the close cooperation that took place during a 24-hour period between Israel and Jordan.
Read MoreNews the Pope will love: Faith and ecology teachings making world more holy
The Pope has come out, some might argue too late, with his treaty for Climate Change. How can faith leaders, or at least the Church position itself in the face...
Read MoreEye on Planet: Local clergy unite to promote cleaner environment
Thousands of people are expected to converge on the National Mall in Washington today for a series of Earth Day rallies and teach-ins, many of them religious leaders or people...
Read MoreTurning asphalt Haredi schoolyards into mini-farms
Most ultra-Orthodox Israelis have little awareness of environmental issues and no space to garden. Leshomra was founded to change that.
Read MoreCOP22 : Les meilleures punchlines pour clouer le bec d’un climato-sceptique
Lors du Sommet de Fès sur la Conscience Climat, le 3 novembre, leaders spirituels et laïcs étaient en verve. Florilège.
Read MoreWords of Change
If music and math are the universal languages, then poetry is the great equalizer, a transcendent stream of words that flows undiscriminating between people and places.
Read MoreFrancisco abrió «un camino nuevo» para la ecología
En su primer año de vida, la encíclica Laudato si «ha inaugurado un camino nuevo» en cómo la sociedad global se plantea la cuestión ecológica. Así lo afirma monseñor Marcelo...
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