Los Angeles Faith & Ecology Network

The Los Angeles Faith & Ecology Network engages faith-based leadership in mobilizing grassroots action for stewardship of Creation, such as the Murphy Drill Site campaign. It is one of the only such networks of clergy and green team leaders in North America. 

A strong, active network of faith-based ecological justice advocates is a vital means of augmenting the faith voice – and hastening the transition to cleaner, healthier and more sustainable communities. Religious leaders and institutions can prioritize sustainability rooted in genuine creation care, which is at the heart of all religions.

Collectively, all of us bear responsibility for healing our relationship with our only home, Earth. It is imperative for teams of faith-rooted environmental activists to significantly amplify their voices through increased networking and coordination with kindred faith communities’ teams to share learning, teaching and best practices.

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and California Interfaith Power & Light invite you to join the LA Faith and Ecology Network (LAFEN). The Network has met monthly since its launch in August, 2020. For more information and to join the monthly meeting of the Network, please contact us via the contact form.

Strengthening the Faith Climate Voice in L.A. County!

Father Alexei Smith, Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Los Angeles has the largest Catholic community in the United States, with over four million Catholics. LA also has a very religiously diverse community, with many denominations of Christians, and Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and others. 

At its heart, the global ecological crisis is one of the spirit, stemming from broken relationships and illusory separations between people and from our blessed created world. Confronting the challenge demands a blossoming of consciousness, leading to paradigm shifts in our economy, society and personal behavior.

Together, let us wield the collective power of all faiths to effect positive change and achieve a sustainable future for generations to come. 

November, 2021 Faith and Climate Action Event

(LAFEN and Temple Isaiah, Los Angeles, organized an event focused on city, county and state sustainability goals, and ways in which the faith voice can be strengthened in crucial climate action.

Speakers included: Former Senator Fran Pavley,  Senator Sydney Kamlager, Katy Young Yaroslavsky (Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s Deputy for the Environment and the Arts), and Andy Shrader (Councilman Koretz’s Director of Environmental Affairs, Water Policy & Sustainability)

Prayers were shared by Rabbi Zoe Klein Milles, Senior Rabbi of Temple Isaiah; The Rev. Louis Chase, Holman United Methodist Church in Los Angleles; and Rev. Dr. Pat Langlois, Pastor of MCC/UCC in the Valley, North Hollywood.

Watch the inspiring event and see faith voices in climate action.

About The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development

The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development reveals the connection between religion and ecology and mobilizes faith communities to act.

About California Interfaith Power and Light

The mission of California Interfaith Power and Light is to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming and promoting energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy.