Kentucky Fries


By Leo Dee

Kentucky has recently be experiencing extreme weather patterns. Lexington received almost 72 inches of rain in 2018, the most for almost 150 years. Whilst Louisville hit 92 degrees in May 2019, higher than the previous 1962 record for May.

Human caused climate change is behind this strange weather pattern as carbon dioxide released from fossil fuels insulates the earth and prevents natural cooling and Kentucky is one of the most power plant polluted States. The excessive heat also powers a much stronger water cycle, with more water evaporating from the oceans and being dropped on land. This means that some parts of the US are experiencing excessive heat, and some are experiencing record storms and rainfall and some are experiencing both!

So, what’s the solution?

Well, part of the solution is making people aware. And that’s just what Kentucky’s religious seminaries are doing. The Asbury Theological Seminary is teaching future religious leaders in sustainability, with courses on “The Theology of Creation” and Lexington Theological Seminary is teaching about Consumerism and Global Warming.

Training religious leaders who will inspire their communities, in the future, with the importance of living a life that respects the world and climate, is an important step towards solving the climate crisis.

We are grateful for their initiative!

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