Green Preaching: Honoring God’s Creation Through Proclamation

3.708 Green Preaching: Honoring God’s Creation Through Proclamation (1.5 credits)
Syllabus, Spring Term, 2017
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Course Instructor:
Rev. Angela Zimmann, Ph.D.

Course Rationale:

Preaching plays a unique role in the life of a congregation, and this course introduces future preachers to “green” homiletical theory and practice in order that they might be better prepared to proclaim the wonder of God’s creation. Through readings, sermon analysis, discussion and in-class preaching exercises, as well as time spent immersed in creation, students will grow in an awareness of and appreciation for the importance of ecologically-grounded, Christocentric preaching and living.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, a student is expected to successfully accomplish the following:
1. Articulate how ecological concerns are theologically integrated with their understanding of homiletics;
2. Demonstrate the ability to engage ecological concerns in a Christocentric proclamation of the gospel;
3. Explain the importance of embodying and modeling “green preaching” through concrete life-style choices, and begin discerning how such choices might appear in their own lives;
4. Demonstrate the ability to spend intentional time relaxing and celebrating God’s creation, and integrate this experience into the homiletical process;
5. Identify a variety of new (for you) resources and methods that aid preachers in the task of “green sermon” development
6. Demonstrate the ability to receive and share helpful feedback in partnership with others.

Course Strategies:

The class will meet on Friday mornings from 8:30-10 AM as scheduled.
Read the three texts as assigned:
Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology and the Pulpit by Leah Schade
ISBN #978-0-8272-05414

Eco-Reformation: Grace and Hope for a Planet in Peril by Lisa Dahill/James Martin-Schramm
ISBN #978-1-4982-2546-5

The Green Bible

ISBN # 978-0-06-162799-6
2. Participate in classroom and online writing and speaking activities as assigned.
3. Preach one (10-12 minute) sermon on a lectionary text selected from the church year, complete with manuscript.
4. Lead one children’s sermon on the same lectionary text, with outline to share with class.
5. Participate actively and pastorally in classroom discussion and sermon workshops.
6. Attend a mini-retreat at Camp Nawakwa in place of two class sessions.
7. Attend sessions during Academy Week as assigned.
8. Use language which is Gospel-based in nature: compassionate, thoughtful, inclusive, challenging.
9. Participate in video recording of sermon for review and self-evaluation.


The grade for this course will be determined using the following criteria: The total possible is 100 points.

1) Green Lectionary Project: 15 points
2) Green Theory Discussion: 15 points
3) Children’s Sermon: 15 points
4) Congregational Setting Profile: 15 points
5) Sermon: 20 points (10 points from instructor, 10 from self-evaluation)
6) Participation and attendance, 10 points
Course Schedule:
Friday, February 3rd
Course overview and review of syllabus and textbooks
Assigning of Groups & Green Lectionary Assignment

Assignments due next class:

You have the following assignments due on the 24th, which will require you to work with your group/partner during this time:
Green Lectionary Project
Read in Creation-Crisis Preaching: Forward, Introduction, Chapter 3
Read in Eco-Reformation: Preface, Chapter 1, Chapter 7
Select the chapter for the class to read for individual theory presentation

Friday, February 10th: No class, reading and work period
Friday, February 17th: No class, reading and work period
Friday, February 24th:
Theory: Review of readings & sign up for discussion leadership
Workshop: Presentation by Dr. Gil Waldkoenig on Congregational Ethnography

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Select congregational setting/context for preaching
Friday, March 3rd:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Workshop: Investigation of congregational context

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Congregational Setting Profile Assignment Due
Select lectionary text to be preached upon
Friday, March 10th:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Workshop: Sharing Setting Profiles

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Friday, March 17th:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Workshop: Children’s Sermons/Object Lesson by Sheila Ireland

Assignments due next class:

Children’s Sermons
Friday, March 24th:
Children’s Sermons

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Friday, March 31st:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Workshop: TBA

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Friday, April 7th :
Theory Discussion led by______________
Workshop: TBA

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________
Friday, April 14th:
No Classes; Spring Break
Friday, April 21st:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Sermons Group I

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________

Friday, April 28th :
No Classes; Academy Week; attend activities as assigned
April 30th-May 1: Retreat
Friday, May 5th:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Sermons, Group II

Assignments due next class:

Read in Eco-Reformation: ____________________

Friday, May 12th:
Theory Discussion led by______________
Sermons, Group III