Factory Pollution Is a Leading Global Environmental Problem

Factory chimneys

By Sydney Cohen – Despite the award winning movie, Eric Brockovich, factory pollution is still a leading problem in Hinkley, California, as it is in the rest of the USA and the entire world. The EPA estimates that over 100 million pounds of air pollutants are released from factories every year. This not only damages the environment but also has a negative effect on our health and quality of life.

In this blog post, we will explore how factory polluters can be held responsible for their actions and what you can do to protect yourself from factory pollution.

Pollution With Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon tetrachloride are all carbon-based pollutants that can harm the environment and human health. We need to put a stop to factory pollution now before it’s too late!

Carbon dioxide is released during combustion – when coal or gasoline are burned without enough oxygen present. Carbon monoxide has no odor or color, but it can kill you by preventing your body from using oxygen properly. Finally, carbon tetrachloride is what you get when hydrocarbons react with chlorine under high pressure and temperature conditions – which doesn’t sound very healthy at all.

Factory Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major problem in the world. It affects our health and can cause serious illnesses, not to mention that it’s a huge factor in climate change. Factory pollution is one of the main sources of air pollution that we need to address as soon as possible, to prevent further environmental damage.

Industries account for two-quarters of greenhouse gas emissions. The volume of toxic gases that factories release into the environment increase health and environmental damage. Industrial factories are discharging toxic gases into the atmosphere and contribute to air pollution, toxic waste, and water pollution.

Air Quality

The air quality in the United States is declining rapidly as a result of pollution. The air pollution in China, for example, has caused many people to take notice of how important air quality is. Factory emissions are polluting the air and causing problems with air quality all over the world.

Pollution can be reduced by taking steps like carpooling or using renewable energy sources. Since factories still continue to pollute our air every day, we must take steps in our everyday lives to reduce our carbon footprints.

Factory Pollution Affects Our Health

5 percent of lung cancer sufferers will face environmental and occupational exposures to pollution. The WHO also finds that a small percentage of cardiac illnesses and lung infections have their origins from pollution. This has led to increased legal claims against workplaces because workers are being overly exposed to diesel pollution at work.

Factory Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases

Most air pollutants come from factories, but you can also be exposed to air pollution in your own home if you use chemical sprays indoors, or live in a house with asbestos. Even natural air pollutants like pollen and dust can cause discomfort for some people. These air pollutants lead to increased rates of asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues that are often difficult to live with on a daily basis.

Factory emissions contribute greatly towards greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. About 80% of total greenhouse gas emissions in America come from power, coal, or industrial output. Another harmful gas from the consumption of fossil fuels is sulfur dioxide, the key component of the formation of acid rain, another environmental consequence from pollution.

How Can We Reduce Factory Pollution?

It is so important that we take action to reduce the air pollution that we can control, such as the amount of electricity and fuel we use. Continue reading to learn more about other ways to reduce air pollution!

Renewable Energy Sources Decrease Factory Pollution

Many governments recognize green initiatives and offer incentives or tax credits to promote more corporates to follow suit. Depending on the economic condition and environmental factors, manufacturing facilities must switch to renewable energy sources.

Factory owners making the effort to increase company sustainability cultures are usually encouraged to reduce their environmental impact. They encourage owners of a company to invest in eco-friendly products. Companies have several options for renewable energy options, including wind-solar energy or geothermal wind energy.

Controlling Air Pollution

The Clean Air Act of 1970 is still a key tool for reducing harmful air pollution. A key way to address air pollution is to accelerate the transition towards cleaner fuels and industrial processes. The benefits include the prevention of 191 to 370,000 premature aging deaths, 189,000 fewer hospital admissions for cardiac and respiratory diseases, and net economic effects of around 3.8 trillion for the United States economy each year.

It is estimated that cleaner air costs around 40 times the cost of Clean Air regulations. With the Clean Air Act, we will be reducing air contamination at its source while curbing global warming that makes many of its worst effects worse.

Factory pollution has immense environmental consequences that result in ecosystem degradation and human health issues. We must work together to reduce our carbon footprints, and advocate change in industrial businesses that contribute to this pollution if we want to take care of our planet!

Religions Joining Together Against Pollution

For more information about improving air quality from a religious perspective, check out this wonderful resource from Birmingham, England. Believers of all religions believe that humans should be caring and nourishing the natural environment. Each faith contributes its perspective on the serious problems caused by air pollution in Birmingham.

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