An introduction to the discipline of Christian ethics, and to the literature of environmental ethics. We will approach the question of how to act responsibly and ecologically using public policy, philosophical, and theological perspectives. The focus issue this semester is this: FOOD.
The following objectives will guide our work through the semester, and should serve as the basis for evaluation of the usefulness of the course requirements and the whole course experience.
- To use the tools of discourse in the discipline of ethics: articulate the strengths and weaknesses of the major modes of moral discourse, exercise critical judgment of the grounds for moral claims, practice engaging in speech for the public square.
- To show a facility in the use of the language and concepts of ethics in the context of a particular issue of relevance to the ecology today.
- To become conversant with theological language that helps the church reflect on ecological matters.
- To develop the skills of argument: the ability to state one’s own stance, give reasons, acknowledge different points of view, and give reasons why those points of view are not compelling—all skills that members of worshipping communities could contribute to social debate on matters in conflict.
- To give evidence that you can develop an independent position on a particular issue relevant to the course, and argue it.
- Develop at least an early stage praxis of ecological living, and document new skills you have acquired to enrich that praxis of living more lightly on the earth.
- William Baxter, People or Penguins, the case for optimal pollution (New York: Columbia, 1974).
- Lester Brown, Who Will Feed China? World watch Institute.
- Andrew Linzey, Animal Gospel, Westminster/John Knox Press
- Lisa H. Newton, Ethics and Sustainability: Sustainable Development and the Moral Life ( Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, 2003)
- Paul W. Taylor, Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics (Princeton: Princeton University, 1986)
- Lynn White Jr., “The Historical Root of the Environmental Crisis”
- What is not prepared as a hand-out for you has been requested for the Reserve shelf (2 hour reserve) at the SFTS branch library.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the course and to each other. In what ways is food a moral issue? Also address the question: What makes something right?
Lesson 2: William F. Baxter, People or Penguins, Ch 1 and 2
Lesson 3: Baxter, Ch 3 and 4
Lesson 4: Baxter, Ch 5
Lesson 5: Paul W. Taylor, Respect for Nature, Ch 1
Lesson 6: Taylor, Ch 2
Lesson 7: Taylor, Ch 3
Lesson 8: Taylor, Ch 4
Lesson 9: Taylor, Ch 5
Lesson 10: Taylor, Ch 6
Lesson 11: Lisa H. Newton, Ethics and Sustainability, Ch 1
Lesson 12: Newton, Ch 2
Lesson 13: Newton, Ch 3
Lesson 14: Review. I pass out Study Questions.
Lesson 15: Study Questions Due. In class writing exercise.
Lesson 16: Lynn White Jr., “The Historical Roots of the Environmental Crisis”
Lesson 17: Lester Brown, Who Will Feed China? Forward, Ch. 1-4
Lesson 18: Brown, Ch 6, 9, 10
Lesson 19: Shannon Jung, Food for Life, Preface, Ch 1 – 3
Lesson 20: Jung, Ch 4-5
Lesson 21: Jung, Ch 6-7
Lesson 22: Andrew Linzey, Animal Gospel, Intro, Ch 15, 1,2,3,4
Lesson 23: Linzey, Ch 5,6,8,9,10
Lesson 24: Linzey, Ch 11,12,13,16
Lesson 25: Construction of Food Ethics Continuium
Lesson 26: Writing Day, No Class
Lesson 27: Students present Precis of Papers (15 minutes)
Lesson 28: Students Present Précis of Papers (15 minutes). Papers Due.
This syllabus pertains to when the course was offered in 2005