Environmental Awareness Plus Global Action Could Lead To Change

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By Sydney Cohen – It is important to be aware of how your actions affect the environment, but it isn’t always easy. The good news is that there are some simple steps you can take to help protect the planet and make a difference. Environmental awareness stems from the political ideology of environmentalism. Having environmental awareness is to understand the importance of our world’s ecosystems, their fragility, and the necessity to protect them.

Awareness of Environmental Issues

The environment is a very important issue that should not be taken lightly. We’re at risk of losing many different species of animals because of how quickly certain environmental issues are progressing.

One of the first environmental issue that affects our ecosystems’ health is oil drilling. Oil is a primary source of fuel for industrial activities. But leaks from oil fracking, and even the process of harvesting oil, detrimentally affect marine life and exhaust our natural resources.

Another environmental issue is deforestation. Humans cut down trees in the forest to use for various production and manufacturing activities and industrial purposes. Deforestation is incredibly harmful to the plant and animal life residing in forests, and, like oil fracking, depletes our global natural resources.

Furthermore, plastic production not only generates waste in its disposal process but humans frequently litter, poisoning our oceans, land, and waterways with plastic. Are people aware how long it takes plastic to degrade?

All of these processes also contribute to climate change and global warming, which is not only dangerous to our global ecosystems but to human health as well. When oil and other fossil fuels such as carbon are burned for energy, they release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap the heat from the sun, causing our world to rise in temperature.

The issue of global warming is incredibly pressing, as its development is rapid in reducing our air quality, harming our environment, plants, and animals, and threatening human health.

Awareness of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A greenhouse gas, or GHG, is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.

As previously stated, global warming affects the entire international community, and has been developing rapidly since the mid-20th century. Carbon dioxide is the primary gas released in burning fossil fuels and is responsible for contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Additionally, as mentioned, waste, oil, plastic production, and other related materials and forms of pollution also contribute to global warming and to ecological, and environmental issues, as they affect our environmental ecological balance.

Most ecosystems are able to maintain or fix their balance, even during environmental changes, but it is vital that we work to protect them regardless, spreading environmental awareness of these issues.

United Nations Actions To Raise Environmental Awareness

Every day, the United Nations works with governments around the world to provide leadership on climate change and sustainable development. They also work to address poverty, hunger, disease, conflict, and other global issues that affect more than one-fifth of the world’s population.

Are you Aware of The Sustainable Development Goals for 2030?

In an effort to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental concerns, the United Nations has been taking a number of actions. They have set up goals for sustainable development and are working to reduce pollution around the globe. 2030 is only six years away, so what are you doing to help achieve these goals?

The UN is also working on global initiatives that support renewable energy and protect marine life from unsustainable fishing practices. These efforts demonstrate their commitment to protecting our planet for future generations.

How Can You Raise Environmental Awareness?

In a world where we are constantly surrounded by all things that lead to environmental degradation, how can you increase awareness about the environment and our pressing environmental issues? It starts with education. By taking the time to read this blog post, you are taking the first step of action toward increasing environmental awareness!

Continue reading to gain insights into how you can educate people and inspire them to make changes in their life for the betterment of the planet as a whole.

Steps to Increase Environmental Awareness:

It is important that we work to include sustainable, environmentally friendly forms of green power and energy in our new buildings. There are many cities that have green building requirements, such as San Francisco, for example.

Volunteer in an Organization that Increases Environmental Awareness

A little bit of googling research will help you find a local non profit organization working endlessly to raise environmental awareness through all types of activities. Volunteer to help them achieve their goals and help yourself knowing you are taking action. Organizations do vital work with local governments and communities, to find sustainable strategies that will provide conservation and protection for our urban ecosystems. This could include increasing community gardens, reducing environmentally harmful industrial production processes such as the production of plastic, or even just advocating for public park clean-ups.

Advocate for Environmental Awareness

One of the steps you can take is to attend a rally or a march. Think of social movements like the 2017 People’s Climate March in Washington, D.C., and in 2019 when millions of young people and old people gathered in their own countries before the UN Climate Action Summit. It might even be possible to start a local movement of your own!

Another way to increase environmental awareness is to use social media. There has been a rise in young people on social media who spread activism and awareness across their platforms. This is a simple way to increase environmental awareness, without even leaving your home!

Environmental Awareness in Education

Another crucial way to increase interest in environmental awareness is to promote teaching children in school. It is necessary that we update our school curriculums to include recent research, educate on natural resources, conservation, waste reduction, world movements, and promote innovative ideas. Young people have the chance to make significant positive impacts on our environment! Environmental education must also be added into informal youth activities such as debate, science and creative competitions and of course also within youth groups.

Our religious communities also offer a unique opportunity for educating towards environmental awareness. Noel Basil Effiong conducted a study entitled Religious education for environmental awareness, and makes the powerful argument that “theological and religious educational insights can offer a prophetic call for sustainable development as a way of addressing the environmental crisis.” Religions can cultivate environmental awareness at the same time as cultivating divine consciousness. In fact, cultivating environmental awareness through religious education may be the best strategy we have for saving our planet.

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