Virginia Union University
Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Faith B. Harris
Office Hours: By Appointment
Phone: (804)-795-5406
Credit Hours: Five (5) quarter hours
Days/Time: Saturday’s 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Course Description:
This course introduces a practical theological methodology to address the broad concerns of creation care and environmental justice. Special attention will be given to the biblical, theological, and ethical foundations for social action. In addition, students will be introduced to the basics of grassroots organizing to include: issue advocating, recruiting volunteers, and outreach among faith communities.
Course Objectives:
- Introduce biblical, theological, and ethical foundations for creation care
- Introduce basics of the contemporary climate crisis as a critical concern with particular attention to the Greater Virginia Metro Region
- Introduce students to grassroots organizations working on the mitigating and/or advocating for the environment
- Introduce skills and strategies to build social action ministry teams
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will understand the basics of the climate crisis
- Students will understand the biblical and theo-ethical arguments for caring for creation
- Students will understand the basics of grassroots organizing for social action
- Students will develop a strategic plan/ministry outline for implementation in a context
Course Assignments:
Students will work in groups to develop a strategic action plan/project suitable for implementation as a grassroots organizing initiative in their current ministry context in order to respond to the challenges of creation care. Strategic plans will include:
- Develop a group training/workshop outline or bible study for creation care
- Develop a group sermon outline and worship material (s)
- Develop strategy/action plan/project in a ministry context to address creation care
Teaching/Learning Methods:
Primary learning methods used are:
- Lectures
- Assigned readings
- Videos
- Group exercises
- Guest lectures
- Discussions
- Field Labs
- Attendance 15%
- Readings 15%
- Group Workshop/Bible Study 35%
- Strategic Action Plan 35%
Required Text:
Brueggemann, Walter Sabbath as Resistance to the Culture of Now
Harper, Fletcher Green Faith: Mobilizing God’s People to Save the Earth
Grisham, John Gray Mountain
Nash, Stephen Virginia Climate Fever: How Global Warming Will Transform our Cities,
Shorelines and Forests
Marcovna Barnett, Tanya Ed., Greening Congregations Handbook: Stories, Ideas, and
Resources for Cultivating Creation Awareness and Care in Your congregation
Rassmusan, Larry L. Earth-Honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key
The Green Bible, (NRSV) (Amazon)
Students will read assigned readings for each class session including selected chapters, essays, and articles in preparation for class discussions, lectures, and group exercises. Additional readings may be found on the course portal.*
Readings May Be Found and Downloaded From the Course Portal
Aaron Douglas Weaver: Not in My Backyard to Not in Anyone’s Backyard…
Andrew Warmack: Bread and Butter Issues
Calvin B. DeWitt, Reading the Bible through a Green Lens
David Walls, What’s Next in Community Organizing
EPA Clean Power Plan
James Jones, Jesus: Savior of the Earth
J. Matthew Sleeth, M.D., The Power of a Green God
Lee A. Vierling, CO2 and The Extinction of the Species: The Great Exhale
Nussbaum, Martha, Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach.
Pam McVety, The Science of Climate Change Made Understandably
Pope Francis, The Care of our Common Home
Scott M..Kershner, Speed-hump Victory
Class Schedule**
May 14 Defining the Problem
Lecture: Sabbath: More than a Day of Observance or a Religious Practice
Sabbath as Resistance to the Culture of Now, Walter Brueggemann
Reading: Calvin B. DeWitt, Reading the Bible through a Green Lens
James Jones, Jesus: Savior of the Earth
Pope Francis, “The Care of Our Common Home” (course portal)
May 21 Defining the Problem
Lecture: Defining the Theological and Ethical Features of the Problem
Earth Honoring Faith…. Larry Rasmussen
Reading: Virginia Climate Fever…Chapters 1-4,8-9,
Pam McVety, The Science of Climate Change Made Understandably
May 28 Defining the Climate Crisis
Defining the Problem/Climate Crisis/Science Basics
Video Presentation: Dear Matafele Peinem,
Guest Lecturer: Stephen Nash, Author
Virginia Climate Fever:
How Global Warming Will Transform our Cities
Reading: Virginia Climate Fever… Chapters 11, 12, & 14
Lee A. Vierling, CO2 and The Extinction of the Species: The Great Exhale
June 4 Advocacy Organizing
Video Presentation: Hip Hop Caucus
Fenceline: A Company Town Divided
Guest Lecturer: Ms. Kendyl Crawford
VA Sierra Club Conservation Program Coordinator
Reading: Greening Congregations Handbook: Section One
Clean Power Plan for Virginia
David Walls, What’s Next in Community Organizing
Nussbaum, Martha,
Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach.
June 11 Water; the Source for all Life
Video Presentation: TBA
Guest Lecturer: Rev. Dele – Founder, Nature’s Friends-Regional Initiatives
VA IPL Board Member
Reading: Greening Congregations Handbook: Section Two
Aaron Douglas Weaver,
Not in My Backyard to Not in Anyone’s Backyard…
June 18 Biological Solutions to Reverse Climate Impacts
Video Presentation: The Man Who Stopped the Desert
Guest Lecturer: SKYPE Adam Sacks, Bio4Climate, Director
Reading: Greening Congregations Handbook: Section Three
Scott M..Kershner, Speed-hump Victory
June 25 Recruitment & Leadership Building Grassroots Organizing
Video Presentations: Green the Church
Field Lab/
Guest Lecturer: Rev. Ralph Hodges, 2nd Baptist Church South Richmond
Reading: Grey Mountain, John Grisham
Andrew Warmack: Bread and Butter Issues
July 2 Developing Bible Study/Workshop & Sermon Outline
Guest Lecturer: Environmental Protection Agency
Reading: Grey Mountain (Continued)
July 9 Ecosystems – The Chesapeake Bay/Watershed
Guest Lecturers: Blair Blanchett, Grassroots Coordinator
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Kim Bobo, Director
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Reading: TBA
July 16 Group Presentations
Field Lab Brock Center
*Article and Journal Readings are subject to change as resources becomes available
**The professor reserves the right to make changes to the schedule as necessary.