Climate Change and the Christian Faith

Scientists now say “unequivocally” that global warming is here and they have “very high confidence” that human activity is forcing up the earth’s average temperature (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007). Climate change is the quintessential issue of our time, since it affects all aspects of planetary life. The twin issues of the deterioration of our environment and the impoverishment of its creatures—the issues of sustainability and distributive justice—join in climate change. It is an economic, social, biological, medical, legal, educational, moral—and theological issue. It sets the context within which Christian theology needs to be deconstructed and reconstructed for our time. More specifically, the issue of climate change should serve as a major focus for reconsidering the doctrines of Christian faith: revelation and creation, human nature, God, Jesus Christ, sin and salvation, the holy Spirit, discipleship, sacraments and church, and hope.


1) To gain knowledge concerning the current state of the planet, with particular focus on the state of climate change and its implications;

2) To use climate change as a case study in how to engage in theological reflection;

3) To analyze the central topics in Christian faith in light of this knowledge, in terms of both Christian contributions and Christian reconstructions;

4) To offer students the opportunity to do in-depth research in a particular aspect of the climate change/theological connection.


Tim Flannery, The Weather Makers: How We are Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth ( Toronto: HarperCollins, 2006).

  • George Monbiot, Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning ( Toronto: Doubleday, 2006).
  • Denis Edwards, ed. Earth Revealing, Earth Healing: Ecology and Christian Theology ( Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2001).
  • Anne Primavesi, Gaia’s Gift: Earth, Ourselves and God After Copernicus ( London: Routledge, 2003).
  • Gary T. Gardner, Inspiring Progress: Religions’ Contributions to Sustainable Development ( New York: Norton, 2006).


  • Forum on Religion and Ecology:
  • Canadian Forum on Religion and Ecology:
  • Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives:
  • Yale Forestry and Environmental Studies Project on Climate Change:
  • International Society for Religion, Nature, and Culture:
  • Worldwatch Institute:
  • Earth Charter and Climate Change:
  • Climate Action Network Canada


Week 1: Introduction

  • Lecture: “Global Warming: A Theological Problem”

Week 2: Setting the Problem

  • Gardner, Pts. 1 & 2
  • Lecture: “Where We Live: Urban Ecotheology”
  • Reading discussion_______________________________________________

Week 3: Setting the Problem

  • Gardner, Pts. 3 & 4
  • Lecture: “How Shall We Live? Christianity and Planetary Economics”
  • Reading discussion________________________________________________

Week 4: Climate Change Science

  • Flannery, “The Slow Awakening,” Chs. 1, 2, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 25, 29, 32, 34.
  • Lecture: “Climate Change: The Evidence and Consequences”
  • Reading discussion________________________________________________

Week 5: Climate Change Science

  • Fourth Assessment, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis” (Summary for Policymakers), Working Group I (website:
  • Monbiot, Foreward, Introduction, Chs. 1, 3, 9, 11.
  • Reading discussion_________________________________________________
  • Paper proposal_____________________________________________________

Week 6: Anthropology

  • Primavesi, Introduction, Chs. 1, 4, 5, 6.
  • Lecture: “Who Are We? Ecological Anthropology”
  • Reading discussion___________________________________________________
  • Paper proposal______________________________________________________

Week 7: Anthropology

  • Primavesi, Chs. 8, 9.
  • Catherine Keller, “Talking Dirty: Ground is Not Foundation” (Library reserve)
  • Lecture: “Is a Different World Possible? Human Dignity and the Integrity of Creation in a Time of Global Warming”
  • Reading discussion__________________________________________________
  • Paper proposal______________________________________________________

Week 8: God

  • Langdon Gilkey, “God” (Library reserve)
  • S. McFague, “God and the World,” Ch. 6 of Life Abundant (Library reserve).
  • Michael Brierley, “Naming a Quiet Revolution” (Library reserve)
  • Lecture: “Who Is God? Creation and Providence”
  • Reading discussion_________________________________________________
  • Paper proposal____________________________________________________

Week 9: God

  • Edwards, ed., Ch. 5: Patricia Fox, “God’s Shattering Otherness”
  • Mark I. Wallace, “Sacred Land Theology” (Library reserve)
  • Lecture: “Why We Worship: Praise and Compassion as Intimations of Transcendence”
  • Reading discussion_________________________________________________
  • Paper proposal____________________________________________________

Week 10: Jesus Christ

  • Edwards, ed., Ch.4: Duncan Reid, “Enfleshing the Human”
  • S. McFague, “Christ and Salvation,” Ch. 7 of Life Abundant (Library reserve)
  • Reading discussion_______________________________________________
  • Paper proposal___________________________________________________

Week 11: Spirit

  • Edwards, ed., Ch. 3: Denis Edwards, “For Your Immortal Spirit Is in All Things.”
  • Lecture: “The Holy Spirit and Climate Change”
  • Reading discussion________________________________________________

This syllabus pertains to when the course was offered in 2007