Seminary: Drew Theological School
Location: 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940, United States
Course number: CSOC 551
Instructor: Dr. Laurel Kearns
Course Description
Examines a range of Christian responses to ecological concerns. Surveys some of the historical, philosophical, socio-political, theological, and environmental issues influences that shape the current planetary context and looks at an array of contemporary global religious eco-justice voices and emerging eco-theologies. What resources for an earth-friendly ethic are offered in the Christian religious tradition? Is environmentalism just about animals and wilderness? Where do justice issues come in? What are the major aspects of our societies, of our worldview that needs to be changed? How do we grapple with the environmental implications of our economic system? Where and how do ecological thinking, spirituality and religious thought come together? What can we do, what are others doing, to respond to ecological concerns?