Book a Speaker
Book a top international speaker for your group. Described as inspirational and motivational, Rabbi Yonatan Neril will share his insights on the deep connections between religion and ecology.

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About Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Rabbi Neril speaks internationally on faith and ecology. He has:
Hundreds of people have written positive reviews, speaking of the “spiritual foundation to the challenges we face with the environment” and of the “Transcendent moments! Bible values grounded us in bringing heaven and earth closer together.” Your group can expect “An inspiring educational experience that created an interactive dialogue for what the Jewish tradition teaches about caring for the environment.”
Communities across the world can benefit from hearing Rabbi Neril, who is available to teach at your institution in person or via a webinar.
Booking Rabbi Neril for a talk or program? Use the form above to get in touch!
Talks available include:
Genesis and human stewardship of the Earth
In Genesis, God speaks of humans ruling over other living beings. God blesses Adam and Eve, saying “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion” over the fish, birds, and animals. Rabbi Neril will help your group understand the message of the Torah and argues that Jewish tradition teaches us that we may only have the opportunity to rule the earth if we behave righteously and act as stewards of creation.
Israel, ecology & interreligious cooperation
In Israel, Jews, Christians, and Muslims live on the same land, breathe the same air and drink the same water. Environmental challenges cross borders and religions, and are an area of common, urgent concern among many different people. Rabbi Neril will share a unique perspective on interfaith work on sustainability in Israel and internationally, through the prism of Jewish teachings.
Climate change & a faith-based response
How can Jews respond appropriately to the challenge posed by climate change? What are the spiritual roots of the climate crisis, and how can we address them in our own lives and communities? Rabbi Neril will explore Jewish teachings that relate to the ecological crisis in general and climate change in particular. The programme will both face the challenges head on and offer hope and practical suggestions.
Why is collaboration between faiths key to a sustainable future?
The balance of the world has been ruptured, and we owe it to God, to each other, and to all species to fix it. To do that, Rabbi Neril offers Jews the resources needed to take a leadership role in interfaith cooperation on environmental sustainability. Only by uniting around this common challenge will humanity be able to move quickly to a sustainable future. To do so requires collaboration on an unprecedented scale.
How numerous are your creations, God’ – a Jewish approach to biodiversity
There are likely ten million species on earth, yet humanity is causing their extinction at a rapid rate. How can we protect God’s creation- both species in the wild, as well as the hundreds of billions of factory farmed animals and sea life? Rabbi Neril will explore Jewish teachings that relate to the Creator’s desire for a biodiverse planet, and explore Jewish law which prevents cruelty to animals.