Blog & News
What does God have to do with eggs?
Blog: Rabbi Yonatan Neril - Where do the eggs we eat come from? How do the chickens that produce those eggs live? Is this in line with religious and ethical values?
Read MoreChristians, Jews, and Muslims Unite to Call for Climate Action
News Coverage: A review of the Interfaith Climate Change & Renewable Energy Conference co-sponsored by ICSD, the Swedish Theological Institute, the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and held at Tantur Ecumenical Institute....
Read MoreLife influences how people deal with environment, say Mideast faith leaders
News Coverage: Interviews with Catholic, Jewish, and Palestinian leaders after an ICSD-organized conference, held at Tantur Ecumenical Institute and co-sponsored by the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. The conference focused on religious...
Read MoreThe – URGENT – Environmental Agenda For The Jewish People
News Coverage: Consider these dark facts: About 97% of Israel’s electricity is generated from burning fossil fuels – this from a country that can power itself 100% by the sun during the...
Read MoreThe Arctic is Sick, and Florida is Freezing
Blog: Rabbi Yonatan Neril & Louis Platt - What is being called ‘the bomb cyclone’ or a ‘winter hurricane’ is now striking North America. We are facing a crisis of civilization,...
Read MoreBlessed Rain washes away 6 Days of Dust
Blog: Rabbi Yonatan Neril - An added benefit to the much-needed rain that Israel received yesterday and today was in washing away the Beijing-level air pollution and dust that has plagued...
Read MoreArchbishop Welby’s comment leads to development of African solar project
News Coverage: A comment made by the Archbishop of Canterbury during his visit to the Holy Land in April, has resulted in a pioneering green energy project for churches in Africa. During...
Read MoreExxonMobil concede defeat in climate change battle with Church of England
News Coverage: The global oil giant ExxonMobil have finally caved in to shareholder demands – led by the C of E’s Church Commissioners – to set out how the business will be...
Read MoreCan an Ethical Liberal Eat Kosher Meat?
Blog: Fran Hawthorne - “Choosing food is now so complicated, between the environmental destruction, cruelty to animals, exploitation of workers, and carbon production due to transport,” summarized University of Virginia psychology...
Read More16th Century Scholar Warned of Hurricane Irma Through Hebrew Riddle
News Coverage: Rabbi Yonatan Neril, who has a BA and MA from Stanford University with a focus on global environmental issues, notes in Huffington Post that the leading 20th century mystic Rabbi...
Read MoreDo These Hurricanes Herald the Apocalypse? An argument.
Blog: Do Hurricanes Irma, Harvey, Jose, and Katia herald the coming of the apocalypse? Or is humanity really behind these ‘natural’ disasters? An argument.
Read MoreLaudato si’: Università pontificie romane alleate per la casa comune. Al via a novembre un “Joint Diploma” in ecologia integrale
News Coverage: Il Papa chiama, e i suoi atenei rispondono con un percorso formativo congiunto che per la prima volta mette in sinergia sette istituzioni universitarie e un istituto di studi superiori....
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