The human being, in the Islamic world-view, is considered a steward (khalifah). In his or her capacity as a steward, the human being is perceived as the trustee of the earth. A person is not supposed to cause corruption in any form on earth (i.e. the environment). Life on earth entails great responsibilities. It is a test with accountability. It is followed by either reward or punishment.
The Islamic worldview indicates that stewardship on earth forms a test which includes how human beings relate to the environment. Is it going to be based upon Divine instructions, or based upon personal desires and conjectures that might lead to the destruction of our environment?
Stewardship is based upon knowledge that enables the human being to be a care taker of the environment in which he or she dwells.
Humanity should behave in such a way that would maintain the balance that exists within the environment. Rather, to retrieve the balance that has existed before we have caused, collectively, many ecological disasters: “And the earth We have spread out; set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.” (Koran 15:19)
The end result of disbelief or immoral acts, when they become prevalent, is the total destruction of the environment.
Such is the story of prophet Nuh (Noah) and the flood which destroyed every thing except the Ark and its load of people and animals.
To watch an interview with Professor Abu Sway click here.
To read the long article by Professor Abu Sway click here.
The long Islamic statement on the environment can be found here
For other faith’s statements on the environment, please click here
Professor Mustafa Abu Sway is Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies at Al Quds University, Jerusalem.
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