66 search results for "deforestation"

Harry Cooper – Forests are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet. They are home to an abundance of biodiversity, with many species that we haven’t even discovered yet.

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Harry Cooper – Any environmentalist would be a strong proponent of stopping both deforestation and climate change. But what many people don’t realize is that the two issues are more related than meets the eye.

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Harry Cooper – Deforestation has destroyed hundreds of habitats, put many species at risk of extinction, contributed to climate change, and caused wide-spread and tragic environmental degradation.

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Harry Cooper – It is estimated that 30% of our world is covered in forests. These forests are home to thousands of species, harbor many different ecosystems, and support countless people.

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Matthew Mausner – Deforestation is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The effects of deforestation are disastrous, with some comparing the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, for example, to destroying “the lungs of the planet.”

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Matthew Mausner – One of the biggest problems in the global environmental situation today is deforestation. The problems caused by deforestation include global warming, desertification, habitat destruction, topsoil loss, erosion, and the general human devastation of the forest environment.

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Any changes to or destruction of a species’ natural habitat is known as habitat destruction. These changes or destruction of natural habitats is usually caused by human activities. Once there are changes to a species’ habitat there is, by extension, a danger to biodiversity. Human activities that drive changes to or destruction of natural habitats include deforestation, growing urbanization, and agricultural practices. Habitat destruction of natural habitats undermines conservation efforts and environmental sustainability.  Origin of the term and application  The term “habitat destruction” has been used for decades in the field of ecology and conservation biology. As human activities expanded and intensified, causing widespread changes to landscapes, the concept gained prominence in discussions about the consequences of altering or eliminating natural habitats. The term reflects the understanding that habitat loss is a primary driver of biodiversity decline worldwide. Efforts to address habitat destruction involve strategies such as habitat restoration, protected…

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Environmental Terms Glossary & Definitions Eager to understand the wide variety of environmental terms used in modern society? You’ve come to the right place! Check out our glossary below to stay on top of all things environmental. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A Autotrophic An autotroph is an organism (life form) that is able to produce nutritional organic substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide. Green plants, certain algae, and bacteria are considered to be autotrophic. Acid deposition Acid deposition occurs when acidic substances from the atmosphere are deposited on the Earth’s surface. These deposits include both wet deposition, where acidic compounds become incorporated into precipitation such as rain or snow, and dry deposition, where particles and gasses settle on surfaces without precipitation. B Biodiversity The term biodegradable has become a common…

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Biological diversity, shortened to biodiversity, is a term expressing the richness, complexity and variety of life on Earth at every level, including genes, species, and ecosystems. Without biodiversity ecosystems cannot maintain services that support life, such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. Thus, biodiversity has become one of the key indicators of the health and resilience of ecosystems. Origin of the term and application The term “biodiversity” was coined in the late 1980s as both scientists and policy makers began to grasp the importance of protecting and preserving life on Earth in the face of industrial society. Protection of biodiversity necessitates acting to ensure the conservation of all natural habitats and ecosystems. With the worsening of the climate crisis, loss of natural habitats through deforestation amongst other causes, and increasing species loss, conservation of biodiversity has become critical to the survival of life on Earth.
