Ecology and Seasons of Christian Worship

PW-316-0 Liturgics Practicum: Ecology and Seasons of Christian Worship

2 credits

Instructor: Joseph E. Bush, Professor of Practice in Ministry and Mission

Mondays, 5:30PM – 7:30PM


This course brings an ecological hermeneutic to bear on texts and practices used in worship. These texts and practices are examined for ways in which nature is pictured as present or absent, participating or passive. Particular attention is given to the seasons surrounding Christmas and Easter and the implications of ecologically informed worship for Christology.

This course is really about Jesus. An ecological hermeneutic is brought into play to inform our understanding of Jesus Christ and to enrich our appreciation of the Christological dramas performed during worship through the Christian year.

(See Outline of Wesley’s Curricular Goals and Objectives for the M.Div. on Blackboard)

Course Objectives

Wesley’s Relevant Goals and Objectives

Students will be able to articulate a theology of Christ and of Christian worship that is ecologically informed.


Students will demonstrate skill in leading ecologically informed Christian worship.


Students will show ability to engage corporate worship corporately—as participating with classmates in creation and in the body of Christ


Course Objectives

Wesley’s Relevant Goals and Objectives

Students will be able to articulate a theology of Christ and of Christian worship that is ecologically informed.


Students will demonstrate skill in leading ecologically informed Christian worship.


Students will show ability to engage corporate worship corporately—as participating with classmates in creation and in the body of Christ


Course Objectives

Wesley’s Relevant Goals and Objectives

Students will be able to articulate a theology of Christ and of Christian worship that is ecologically informed.


Students will demonstrate skill in leading ecologically informed Christian worship.


Students will show ability to engage corporate worship corporately—as participating with classmates in creation and in the body of Christ


Requirements and Evaluation

  • Attendance and informed participation in class sessions (28% of final grade)
  • All reading as assigned in this syllabus. Students should also read the biblical texts and references discussed in these readings—especially the lectionary passages. (Bring your Bible to class!)

– Students will compile a collection of ecologically informed resources for Christian worship suitable for each student’s denominational tradition or preferred style of worship. One prayer, hymn, or other act of worship is due from each student each week to be shared with classmates. These should be appropriate for the liturgical season or the occasion of worship being discussed in class for the week in question. (12% for weekly assignments; 20% for final compilation)

– Each student will design and write an entire order of worship suitable for worship on one of the important days of the liturgical year. We will worship together using these materials and discuss them on the day of class in which this liturgical day is being addressed. (20% of final grade)

– A final paper, five pages long double-spaced, on the subject of Christological dimensions of green worship or on the ecological ramifications of remembering and invoking Christ in Christian worship. (20% of final grade)

Required Reading:

Phillips, Jennifer M. Preaching Creation Throughout the Church Year. Boston: Cowley, 2000.

Santmire, H. Paul. Ritualizing Nature: Renewing Christian Liturgy in a Time of Crisis. Minneapolis:

Fortress, 2008.

Stewart, Benjamin M. A Watered Garden: Christian Worship and Earth’s Ecology. Minneapolis:

Augsburg Fortress, 2011.


Bergant, Dianne. The Earth is the Lord’s: The Bible, Ecology, and Worship. American Essays in

Liturgy. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1998.

Habel, Norman C. , David Rhoads, and H. Paul Santmire, eds. The Season of Creation: A

Preaching Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2011.

Lathrop, Gordon W. Holy Ground: A Liturgical Cosmology. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2009.

Mick, Lawrence R. Liturgy and Ecology in Dialogue. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1997.

Students with Disabilities

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability and might require accommodations in this course, please contact the Associate Dean for Community Life, Dr. Asa Lee (202-885-8614; before the class begins regarding Wesley’s policies and procedures for documenting and accommodating disabilities. Wesley allows accommodations only through this policy.

Academic Misconduct

All students have signed the Covenant of Professional Ethics and Behavior. This must be adhered to, particularly in regards to academic honesty and plagiarism. Plagiarism is regarded as a serious offense and will result in substantial penalties, including the possibility of academic dismissal. The faculty of Wesley Theological Seminary regards the following as forms of plagiarism or dishonesty:

– copying from another student’s paper

– giving or receiving unauthorized assistance to or from another student during an examination

– using unauthorized material during an examination

– borrowing and presenting as one’s own (i.e., without proper attribution) the composition or ideas of another

The mutilation, defacement or stealing of library materials are examples of academic dishonesty and/or professional misconduct and are also subject to disciplinary action.

Weather Policy

If the seminary is open, we will have class. If the seminary is closed, class is cancelled. If there are any closings, there will be a recorded message at the main switchboard in addition to mass notifications from WesleyAlerts (in which you will need to register by sending an email to providing your name, student status, and phone number).

Inclusive Language Policy

Bearing in mind that language reflects, reinforces, and creates social realities, the Seminary expects class conversations and written work to employ language that respects the equal dignity and worth of all human beings. In particular, linguistic sexism and racism are to be avoided.


Session 1, Aug.: Introductions

Ecological hermeneutics and Christian worship

“Season of Creation” and the Liturgical Year.

Epistle reading for Sunday

liturgical occasion: Trinity Sunday

Session 2, Sept. Christ the Sovereign


Stewart, pp. 5-21, 39-57

Phillips, pp. ix-x, 79, 151, 233-4 [Introduction and Proper 29 for Years A, B and C]

Session 3, Sept. Advent


Phillips, pp. 3-7, 87-90, 157-161 [Readings for Advent]

Santmire, xi-xvi, 3-33

Session 4, Sept. Christmas


Phillips, pp. 8-11, 91-94, 162-165 [Readings for Christmas]

Santmire, pp. 34-56

Session 5, Oct. Epiphany and Baptism


Phillips, 12-14, 95-96, 166-168 [readings for Epiphany and the Sunday after Epiphany]

Stewart, pp. 23-38

Santmire, pp. 132-153

Reading Week, Oct.

Session 6, Oct. Early Lent: Ash Wednesday and First Sunday in Lent


Phillips, pp. 24-25, 105-106, 176-177

Stewart, pp. 71-86

Santmire, pp. 57-76

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 7, Oct. Palm Sunday (and Transfiguration—just catching up)

Reading: For transfiguration: Phillips, pp. 22-23, 103-104, 175

For Palm Sunday: Phillips, pp. 30-31, 110-111, 183

Santmire, pp. 79-91

Additional Reading to be Assigned

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 8, Nov. Maundy Thursday and Holy Communion


Phillips, pp. 31-32, 111, 183-184

Stewart, pp. 59-69

Santmire, pp. 154-181

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 9, Nov. Good Friday & Holy Saturday


Phillips, pp. 32-33, 112, 185-186

Santmire, pp. 92-105

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 10, Nov. Easter


Phillips, pp. 34-38, 113-116, 187-191

Santmire, pp. 106-131

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Thanksgiving Break, Nov.

Session 11, Nov. Ascension


Phillips, pp. 42-45

Santmire, pp. 182-215

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 12, Dec. Pentecost Sunday


Phillips, pp. 44, 120-121, 195-196

Santmire, pp. 216-244

Student order of worship ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________

Session 13, Dec. Final Class

Santmire, pp. 345-250

Papers due on Christological Dimensions of Green Worship

Collection of Worship Resources due