The Bible and the Earth

Common Texts

  • The Bible
  • Diane Bergant, The Earth is the Lord’s
  • Denis Edwards, Jesus the Wisdom of God
  • Terence Fretheim, God and World in the Old Testament: a Relational Theology of Creation
  • Norman Habel, Seven Songs of Creation (spread across first seven class sessions)
  • Norman Habel, ed. The Earth Bible, Vol 1.
  • The other four volumes of The Earth Bible will be split among students.
  • Carol Johnston, The Leaves of the Tree are for the Healing of the Nations


Week 1: Introduction to class, discuss Lynn White’s “Historical Roots of the Ecological Crisis”

Week 2: Discuss Johnston and Edwards.

Week 3: Discuss The Earth Bible, vol. 1.

Week 4: Proposals due for Bible and Earth projects: 1-2 pages describing what you plan to do, the target audience, and a starter bibliography.

Week 5: Discuss Fretheim.

Week 6: Presentations on The Earth Bible, vols. 2 & 3.

Week 7: Presentations on The Earth Bible, vols. 4 & 5.

Week 8: Discuss Bergant.

Week 9:Final versions of projects due, reflections on class.